being my unique self, like everyone else
To critically assess …
- The meaning of success and failure
- How age gaps frame our perceptions
- The relationship of expectations and disappointment
- Whether life has rules or has more like guidelines
- The three temporal aspects of ourselves
- How we are our best (and possibly worst) advisor

Was a late November evening, perhaps my eyes deceived me, but by the glow of pale moon, morning’s snow reflected blue.
Not the tinge of artist’s brush, hinting snow cold to the touch, crayon scribbled my yard to ruin, with jagged lines a cornflower hue.
Pulsing kaleidoscope of migraine, shifting segments slowly each time, made their way across my vision. Made their way across my world.
The inventory of ontology, is what we share and what’s inside me. So these searing lines are real, though only I know they occurred.
What do you Think?
- Can you fail recess? What does that say about life?
- Why is the gap 8 to 13 bigger than, say, 53 and 58? How, exactly, do you act your age?
True to Myself

Live and act by what I value and believe.
The opinion of others is about them, not me.
I’m okay on my own, with skills as wealth.
I have few real needs and meet most myself.
The useful, beautiful, interesting and joyful.
These are my measure for being successful.
Leave past in the past, forgive at the source.
Go with the grain and accept, don’t force.
Appreciate with gratitude to feel contentment.
Fewer expectations for less disappointment.
Be neutral not negative, note facts not flaws.
My problems aren’t theirs; nor theirs, my cause.
What do you Think?
- Would having no expectations mean no disappointment? What is lost in the process?
- Are there really any rules in life, or are they all guidelines?
Even On My Own

Even on my own I’m not alone in proximity of my trinity.
My future self is there to help with assuring grip should I slip, for you’ve already landed so gently.
My reflective mind is often inclined to give advice that I would find wise.
This does me proud—after all, talking aloud is both conversation and exploration.
Wisdom given or taken, if I listen.
My memories are my competitor: how far I’ve come, am how much better.
Against these alone is my progress shown.
In proximity of this trinity, even on my own I am never alone.
What do you Think?
- The three aspects of me sound like past, present, and future. But aren’t they all in the present?
- Isn’t being in community with the stages of myself a bit like “rubber ducking” talking out a problem aloud? Do I find myself giving voice or in the voice that I give?